9 Christian Movies about Miracles that'll Make you Believe!

9 Christian Movies about Miracles that'll Make you Believe!

In our world today we are faced with negativity and evil seems to always win.

Sometimes when I am feeling discouraged, I like to find family-friendly movies that remind me God is still in control.

The best Christian movies are ones that teach us Miracles still happen, and God is still in control. Here are a few Christian films about miracles that I recommend.


Faith Like Potatoes

A few years ago, I began to study the history of South Africa and Central Africa. While doing that research I came across the true story of Angus Buchan.

There are stories of broken people who rebuilt their lives, and those stories inspire me to never give up.

Angus lives a life consumed by fear, anger, and resentment. He is trying to start a farm in the middle of Central Africa, and his faith is tested to its limits.

While Angus has a true belief in God and the power of miracles, he does not see God working, and he has started to doubt.

But he learns a lesson from a patch of potatoes that changes everything. I needed this message to remind me that God is working even when I can not see what he is doing.

Wherever your journey of faith takes you, this movie will remind you that God is walking the path with you.



A few years ago, I was working with a mission board, and three of our missionaries were kidnapped.

We could not talk about it, and it was essential that the media did not hear anything about it.

Just a few weeks earlier a native from the area that had been working with the missionaries had been kidnapped and killed.

It was a very scary situation and thankful the missionaries were eventually freed. Sometimes we can face hard times and wonder if God cares about us.

But when we hear stories from missionaries living in the face of evil it changes our perspective.

This is a story of Liberian Missionaries had had to travel across a country that was in the middle of a war in order to save the life of one of the missionaries.

This is a good move to watch to remind yourself that God will never leave you alone.


The Miracle Season

Our family watched this movie as a family movie night, and everyone on the couch was crying, even my husband.

This was a very touching movie with strong performances by the star cast, especially Helen Hunt. This is the story of a High School Volleyball team that faces the tragedy of losing a teenage girl, their star player in an accident.

After the loss, the team is left to pick up the pieces and decide if they are willing to play without their friend.

The small town is shocked by this tragedy since everyone knew and loved the young woman. To get back on the court the team must take a leap of faith.

My daughter lost a close friend when she was in high school. Dealing with death at such a young age will change the course of a life.

This story is one of the great films that I would recommend for youth groups to watch.


Miracle at Manchester

Dean Cain stars in a number of films, and this is one of the great ones he has starred in.

I love watching Dean Cain movies, I grew up watching him as Superman when I was in High School.

This movie tells the true stories of a community that comes together to help a young man battling cancer.

We also follow the story of two men on a journey for restoration and healing. This is a story of Jesus healing a community.


The Girl Who Believes in Miracles

Kevin Sorbo has been in many faith-based films, and this is one that is great to watch with pre-teens.

The world today is full of hate and unbelief, it is hard to find movies for our children to watch that teach love and the beauty of faith.

Can the Son of God still perform miracles today? And will Jesus Christ appear to us? In this movie, a young girl has faith in moving mountains, and she prays with full belief.

What happens shocks a town and brings the adults around her to question if God is still active today.


The Perfect Wave

I have read the Bible from cover to cover many times. There is one question I have that I have not found in the Bible.

What happens after we die? I know there is heaven and hell, but at the moment of death, or that moment before death, what happens?

The truth is we do not know. Even though I have talked to people who have had a near-death experience, they do not know what the moment we enter the presence of God is really like.

There have been a few T.V. shows and movies that look at that moment. In this movie, a surfer is killed in an accident and at that moment of death, he has the option to return or remain in heaven.

I enjoy these types of movies since we don’t really know what we will face when we first enter heaven.


The Way Home

When we are buried in an important work moment, we can forget to pay attention to our children.

When my youngest was 18 months old took my eyes off her for a second when we were in Walmart getting groceries. She took off and after a few panic moments, I could not find her.

A bigger panic when I found her hiding on the second shelf behind a huge flat-screen TV. Thankfully I got her out before she knocked them over and made the shopping trip very expensive!

The Way Home tells the true events of a small town that helps a family find their two-year-old that went missing when his father looked away to take a phone fall.

Small children can disappear so quickly without a sound, and the good Samaritan people of the community all come to help look for the young boy.

This is another Dean Cain movie, I love all of his TV shows and films, and I can’t wait to see his next film!

Like all his films, this one is a great movie to watch with the family. Family movies are always in high demand, and if you are looking for one, this is the one I recommend.


Walk by Faith

I have a family friend who died from Huntington’s disease. Watching someone live and die with a terminal illness if very difficult.

My friend came to Christ and became a Christian a few months before she lost her ability to speak. I am thankful to know that I will see her again in Heaven.

This is a true story of a young man named Corey Montgomery who learns from a medical specialist that he has an incurable disease.

But while doing a high school project he learns there is an opportunity to take a risky treatment. He will need a bone marrow transplant.

Corry takes his own future into his own hands and looks for a second chance. He sets out to find his match for a bone marrow.


Miracles from heaven

This feel-good movie is one of my favorite films. This is the incredible true story of the Beam family.

The star cast such as Jennifer Garner an incredible joy telling the true story of Christy’s 10-year-old daughter Anna, played by Kylie Rogers.

Anna Beam has a rare disease that is slowly killing her, but a freak accident changes everything.

In the wake of her dramatic rescue, Abbe is curried of the incurable disease. The medical specialists are mystified, and the community learns that God is still in control.

While I love just about all faith-based films, true stories are always my favorite. This movie is a home run.

Great cast, an amazing story, and a reminder that in this sad world today God still loves us and is in control.