10 Bible Verses About Babies being a Blessing

10 Bible Verses About Babies being a Blessing

The inner parts of your body were created to protect, nurture, and grow a little bundle of joy inside of you. It is a perfect gift given to you from Jesus Christ.

The presence of my heavenly father is felt during times of bringing up your young children.


Bible verses about Babies being a Blessing

Proverbs 17:6 - Children are a blessing

“Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.” 

A description behind family and the value seen in great numbers within generations.

Producing offspring is seen as a blessing and is a continuous honor in God’s eyes. Newborn babies are a blessing sent from God directly.

He blesses those to create generations within their own family. The work of God is seen through His own people which would be God’s children.

1 Thessalonians 2:20 is a passage where believers and their offspring are viewed as glory and joy within them.

Blessings are bestowed upon all family members from grandparents to parents and even extended family members.

God created in His own image what love looks and feels like within a family.

His glory can be seen within your own family and the beautiful blessings that you receive when welcoming a newborn baby into the family.


Psalm 127:3 - Children are a gift from God

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” 

It is common amongst families for fathers to leave the children an inheritance once gone.

It is also seen when the Lord Jesus Christ grants His children with their own. Parents are always looking out for their children even when they are away.

It is constantly in the works to prepare them for the depths of the earth. His favor can be seen when the mystery of a tiny baby appears in your plans.

The fruit of the womb is also seen in Genesis 30:2 and it is to be treated as such. When God grants you blessings you treat them with great respect and compassion.

You treasure this unborn child that God has given to you. His great reminder will come in unexpected times of His good works for you.

Prayers for others are necessary when knowing those who are battling with growing a family.

Pray for the womb of a woman to show God’s unfailing love through a newborn baby for this family.


Mark 9:37 - Babies are created in God's love

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” 

Jesus is explaining to His disciples what His power will look like when defeating the Romans.

He goes on to tell them that a leader seeks ways to help others, not rule over them. You are able to receive God’s greatest gifts when acting upon your faith and obedience to Him.

He relays young children because they can return nothing when acting in good faith towards them, and this is the spirit of God taking place in your life.

Luke 14:16-20 is an example of accepting the ones who have the least if not nothing to give back. It not only removes pride within oneself but to reminds you how pure the heart of a child is.

God uses young children as examples since they were created in God’s love. A love filled with pureness and a great joy that you long to experience again.


Matthew 18:1-3 - A young child as an example to show their innocence

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “ Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” 

The disciples have asked Christ Jesus a significant question. The law of the Lord gathers a child who has no rights in a world where they are most dependent on their parents.

He uses a young child as an example to show their innocence and an example of who to become to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Children have no built-up anger or jealousy towards others. They are built from God’s love filled with curiosity, kindness, and compassion naturally.

Little children are the greatest gift from God with such pureness in their hearts. The instruction of the Lord is to become like a child when wanting access to the glory of God and His kingdom.

It is God's will for your life that the fullness of God takes over your current ways and leads you into the inmost being of a child.

A new life is a blessing to teach you the ways of the Lord and to reflect on your own ways of life that you have fallen into.


Luke 1:15 - Avoid alcohol when pregnant

“For he will be great before the Lord. And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb.” 

This bible verse is during a time of praying and seeking the God of hope for the answers of a newborn baby to come to fruition.

Elizabeth receives news from an angel that the fruit of her womb will birth a prophet. The message is given in a description of what her son will not partake in and who he will become in God’s image.

Pregnant women are also not to do these things for they not only harm the baby but themselves.

The mother’s womb is a place for protection and creating the perfect gift for a child. Luke 7:33 are others making fun of new parents who are exalting in God’s demand of eliminating drinking.

The Lord God is leading you into a new chapter in your life to make hard decisions for you and the peace of your children.

It’s often hard to knock out bad habits when overwhelmed by such a great responsibility of carrying an unborn child.

God is preparing your newborn baby for great things and he is preparing you during this season of walking into becoming new parents.


Jeremiah 1:5 - God has a plan for your baby

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

God is never wrong. You daydream of who your unborn child is going to become. You worry about the right prayers to speak over your child during their time in the womb.

God knows who they are and what they are to become. Luke 1:15 expands on this message of creating a powerful person in the fruit of your womb.

An unformed substance is just the beginning of the works of God creating a perfect gift.

A healthy and safe pregnancy is your own desire before the worries of who your child is to become.

The father of the heavenly lights hears your heart and is already many steps ahead of you when creating such a child in you.

The Lord Jesus Christ has great things for your unborn child. What a blessing to know that God is looking over your child and preparing a perfect gift for him/her to be born into.


2 Thessalonians 3:5 - God will help your baby

“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” 

Paul is speaking to Christ Jesus for the children of God to lean into the Word of God and to hear his message.

He requests that any and all obstacles be removed from their life to further their relationship with Christ. 1 John 2:15 tells us that we cannot love and seek out God while also remaining in the spirits of the world.

The world will attempt to get you off track with your walk in Christ and lead you into ways that are not of God.

The path of the wind can only take one so far in their journey. The power of prayer is amazing when the work of God is behind a parent's prayer.

Pray this over your unborn child for God to lead them into His arms and unconditional love.

The fullness of God is what you desire for the birth of a new baby that is approaching for you.


Bible verses about babies being protected by God

Proverbs 14:26 - God will protect your children

“Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.” 

Solomon tells us rejecting God’s Word leaves you with no security for your life. Therefore God’s will leads to steadfast security for your life.

Deuteronomy 5:9-10 is a specific bible verse on parents leading the pathway for their children.

When making decisions it not only affects you, but generations that will continue to come from you.

There are many verses on growth to enter the kingdom of heaven for yourself and your children.

When obeying the grace of God you are securing protection for your children and their own little children.

Good things happen to those who walk by faith and lead by example. A parent’s life and responsibility are never-ending when it comes to modeling who you desire your young children to be and for the Holy Spirit to place its protection over them.


Psalm 91:11 - Angels will guard over your children

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” 

It is taking place during a celebration of the Psalmist that the Lord God is capable of protection within great lengths.

The God of hope reveals to you his capability to protect your young children. The Lord watches over the children of God, so do not get trapped in your terror thoughts.

The Holy Spirit has a provision over your child’s life and no harm can take place when under the safety of Christ Jesus.

Hebrews 1:14 states that angels are sent to watch over those who are delivered. God’s children inherit his deliverance as a great reminder of who he is.

Ask daily for his angels to remain encamped around your young children. It is often fear that creeps up when your children are not within eyesight reach of you.

God’s handiwork is already moving and spreading over the little children you are paying over.


Hebrews 1:14 - Angels do God's work

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.” 

The angels are servants of the father of the heavenly lights. Daniel 6:22 is an example of the angels doing God’s handiwork.

The mystery of a tiny baby is born into Christ who is delivered. Many hands are over the protection of your newborn child.

You have someone walking alongside your child even when you all part ways for temporary moments.

It is a great reminder that your young children’s safety is not only your top priority but Christ Jesus also.

Comfort is found when you have the same goal for the children of God. The fear of the future is overwhelming when you believe you are fighting for their protection alone.

This specific bible verse puts those fears to rest for your whole life to be at peace with knowing God and his angels are at work.

The Holy Bible is a guide to becoming new parents who need direction during this time. His loud voice is recognized when speaking God’s word over your child's life.

You do not need all of the answers, but you will need his righteous right hand during this new journey you are entering.


What does God say about babies in the bible?

God says in the bible that babies are a perfect gift sent from Him. The fruit of your womb receives a reward for the mystery of a tiny baby.

In Matthew 18:1-3 young children are a representation of the greatest in the kingdom of God.

They are recognized as pure human beings who we are exemplified to become to gain access to the kingdom of heaven.

The children of God are created in God’s image of what true compassion, kindness, and a pure heart look like.

God knows each baby by heart since he has created them before even placing them into a womb.

He knows exactly who they are to become and the future he has laid out for them. He knows the greatness that will come from each one of them.


What is the greatest gift that God has given to the world?

God’s greatest gift to the world is little children. The Father's instruction is to introduce God to your kids so they are able to experience the depths of the earth.

His unfailing love and good courage are already a part of them. Young children are an image of God’s unfailing love.

Little children have such forgiving hearts and love with great compassion. The Lord lifts these babies up to show new parents what His steadfast love feels and looks like.

New parents are to guide and teach their children the ways of Christ Jesus. However, as parents you will experience the grace of God through the love of your young children.


What does the Bible say about babies being a blessing?

The Bible says that babies are a blessing for the entire family. Jesus Christ repeats how much little children are blessings and how they are a great reminder of our Father.

An unborn child is created in God’s image and he makes no mistakes when assigning one of these little blessings into your life.

Proverbs 17:6 is the meaning behind how much love and compassion is within families when creating a new generation.

A newborn baby brings families together through the work of God. Each family member plays a part in this child's life and is able to spread God’s love.

The praise of children is seen in bible verses because the children of God are blessings sent from God.

It is not only a privilege but a sign of God’s favor when receiving a little bundle of joy.