14 Christian Gifts for New Moms & Dads (Expecting Parents too!)

Christian Gifts for New Moms
So, you just heard the great news that your friend or family member is adding to their family with a new baby. Perhaps they are pregnant or adopting. Either way, you are excited! You want to find a way to encourage the new parents. Here are a few ideas you can do without shopping.
Meals: Is there a meal your friend or family loves that you make? Here is your opportunity to bring them a meal. Although I personally recommend gift cards to their favorite takeout restaurants. When families adopt this option is sometimes skipped. As an adoptive parent myself I can say this is a much-needed gift.
Housekeeping: This was the best gift I was every given! I was gifted one year of once-a-month housekeeping. Once a month someone came and did a deep clean of all my bathrooms and cleaned my floors. I was personally given this gift after adopting a sibling group. I would never have thought of this as a gift before I received it myself.
Babysitting: This is a good gift to offer. Let’s face it, this is a gift for us as well, because we can’t wait to spend time cuddling this new baby!
Here are some options you can shop for!
Table of Contents
- Hi Mom Pregnancy Shirt
- The Christian Mama's Guide to Having a Baby
- 365 Things Every New Mom Should Know
- Jesus Story Bible Book
- Don't Make Me Count to Three Book
- On The Day You Were Born Print
- Blessed Mom Life Tee by Jade and Light
- DaySpring Sam & Essie - Baby Socks
- Prayer cards
- Fruit of the Spirit Plate
- Isaiah 49:16 Swaddle Blanket
- Isaiah 66:9 Baby Monthly Milestone Blanket
- Wall Art be strong and courageous – with lion
- Fruit of the spirit artwork
1. Hi Mom Pregnancy Shirt by SaintJosephsWorkshop
This is the perfect shirt for an expecting mom to wear before baby is born. This is a reminder that she is carrying with her a person! This brand-new separate individual with its own DNA is ready to soon be welcomed into the world.
This is also a great way for mom to tell the world she is having a baby. Imagine scrolling though Facebook and seeing your fiend wearing this shirt! A perfect way to make a baby announcement.
2. The Christian Mama's Guide to Having a Baby by Focus On the Family
“I wish pregnancy came with an instruction manual!” Well, this book will help with that. While there are many books on the topic of having a baby, the expecting Christian mom is looking for something specific.
If someone has told you recently that they are pregnant, this is a great gift to give at the start of the pregnancy. We want to make sure we are taking care of our bodies, especial during pregnancy.
New moms will receive many gifts throughout her pregnancy, but I guarantee this is one she will keep and use with each child she brings into the world.
3. 365 Things Every New Mom Should Know
When I was pregnant with my first child, I received a hand me down book just like this. For the nine months of my pregnancy, I was obsessed with this book. I read it all the time, and I was prepared for what lay ahead.
I passed on my book to family members who were pregnant, and when my daughters are pregnant, I will buy them this book as well!
4. Jesus Story Bible Book by Sally Lloyd-Jones
We bought quite a few children’s bibles when we first had kids. But when we discovered this children’s Bible we fell in love. I have bought this Bible for every baby shower I have gone to.
It is so beautifully written! I have given this to Bible to families that were not Christian, and they have told me they learned so much about the Bible from reading it! I can not recommend this book loud enough.
5. Don't Make Me Count to Three Book by Ginger Hubbard
Babies are adorable! And then they learn to talk… and the first thing they say is “no”
Parenting toddlers will drive a parent to their knees! The best advice to give a new parent is start preparing for the toddler stage right away. This book will help expecting parents prepare.
We all have stories of things we have tried to instill charter into our children. Some ideas have worked, and some have been epic failure we look back on now and laugh at! But if parents can prepare ahead, they will be far more successful.
When you are not prepared for what lays ahead the journey is far worse. Help the new parent in your family prepare for what is coming and lay out a plan.
6. On The Day You Were Born Print by OurLoveWasBorn
This stunning artwork is a treasure both the parent and their son or daughter will love forever. This is an image of what the sky looked like at the moment of their birth! This is a gift that you can give each time a family has a new baby.
We have gifted this for families even years later. If this is not your friends first child then giving them this gift for the new baby, and for the other children in the family would be a fantastic idea. The new brothers and sisters would also receive a special gift!
This would look amazing on a bookshelf near the area where family reads before bed. As you get your son or daughter get ready for bed you can hold this artwork and look at it together. You can count the starts and remember that the God who knows every star by name was present the day the baby was born and loves them.
7. Blessed Mom Life Tee by Jade and Light
Every knew new moms gets adorable clothes for the new bundle of joy. This gift is a special gift for the new mom! This t-shirt is a great way for her to remember the life she has is a blessing from God.
The dirty dishes are a blessing, they mean she fed her family. The dirty clothes are a blessing, they mean she has a family who is active! The toys needing picking up are a blessing, they mean she has a family that loves to play. The mom life is blessed life. It doesn’t always look that way to the outside world, but a mom who chooses to see her life as a blessing will be a happy mom!
8. DaySpring Sam & Essie - Baby Socks
Baby socks are my favorite. I am a little obsessed with them. There is just something about them that I can not resist! I love to add socks on to a baby gift, and this is the perfect add on.
9. Prayer cards by inAWEcards
One of the things I did with my children is pray with them, right from birth. These cards are prayers for you to pray with them, and they can be passed down to the child. As the child learns to read, they can read the prayers themselves.
As parents we must Instil that prayer is essential to our lives. This comes from forming habits, and these habits can be formed from the very first day our little newborn enters the world. These prayer cards can be kept next to area where you read and cuddle before bed. I guarantee they will become a cherished part of bedtime routine that your baby will not let you skip!
The apostle Paul told Timothy that he had learned the scriptures from his mother and grandmother since he was a child. As parents and grandparents, we can do the same thing.
10. Fruit of the Spirit Plate by Fruit-Full Kids
Every parent knows one of the battles you will face is at the table. Convincing children to try new foods can be a challenge. But one way to make the dinner table a fun place to be is with fun plates. This cute plate is great way to make eating fun.
The words from the fruit of the spirit are around the plate, you can start to teach young kids to recognize words. The fun tractor is also a fun way to talk to your son or daughter about where their food came from. We can thank God for the farmers. And we can pray for good weather to help the crops grow.
11. Isaiah 49:16 Swaddle Blanket by Falliback
“God has you in the palm of his hand” Isaiah 49:16
This beautiful soft swaddle blanket is perfect for the new mom. I have many friends who have used this blanket for newborn pictures. One friend that had a child born with severe health problems, they used this picture for their newborn pictures and as way to tell people about the heath concerns and to ask for prayers. It was very touching.
What a perfect reminder for us that God created this baby, and He holds the newborn in the palm of His hand. He will keep and protect us.
12. Isaiah 66:9 Baby Monthly Milestone Blanket by TheLoveLetterer
I wish this had been around when my kids were babies. This has become a very popular trend for taking pictures in the first year of baby’s life. This milestone blanket is different however because it has the verse Isaiah 66:9 on it. The perfect verse for a bundle of joy...pun intended!
“I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born”
While there is some humour in using this verse for a baby product it has a great reminder. As the baby goes through life, they will face hard times, painful times, but God promises that he will create new and wonderful things through those pains.
13. Wall Art be strong and courageous – with lion

It can be scary to bring a new child into our world today. We know that they will face a very different future then the one we grew up it. We need to teach them to be strong and courageous. The lion in this artwork is powerful. The lion stands calm and in control. He doesn’t look frightening, nor does he look as though he is afraid.
Animal themes are popular today for playrooms and nurseries. Instead of cartoon drawings, this lifelike lion is a great picture to capture the attention of young children.
14. Fruit of the spirit artwork

This is a fun piece of artwork. You can use this artwork to teach children the names of fruit. And you can also learn the fruit of the spirit.
I can imagine a child standing on their bed and point to the fruit you call out. “Where is the strawberry?”
But you can also repeat the verses from the fruit of the spirit. This is one of the first verses I learned as a little toddler, and it has stuck with me all my life.
To wrap it up things up...
I hope these options help you! This is such an exciting time for expecting parents or a new mom or dad! God has such wonderful things planned for this new little baby. You get to come along for the ride and see God’s plan unfold.
While gifts are special, remember the best gift you can give is always yourself. Be part of this little one’s life. Be there to help them as they journey with Jesus Christ. Be the example of what a life looks like when we live our lives to the glory of God.