13 Top Christian personalized baby gifts (Custom, Bespoke & CUTE!)

13 Top Christian personalized baby gifts (Custom, Bespoke & CUTE!)

13 Christian personalized baby gifts (Parents will love them!)

I love to receive gifts with my name on them. But I love to get something with my children’s names on them even more! After months of looking for the perfect name, new parents are excited to see their name on products.

This also shows that you took the time to personalize the present for them. There is more thought put into a personalized idea, and so it is more memorable.

Here are some great options for Christian personalized baby gifts. Some of these ideas are not necessarily Christian themed. However, they have opportunities to add your text. So, you can add a prayer or Bible verse that is memorable for your family.



#1 Personalised Initial Print with Bible Verse by iamhomespunUK

#1 name initial print Christian personalized baby gifts

Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.

The first thing kids recognize is their “letter.” The first letter in their name is always the first letter a child learns and remembers.  My kids would see their “letter” everywhere they went.

This print with their letter would be perfect right above the changing table. You can point to the letter each time you change diapers and have them recognize the letter.

You can also say the verse to your son or daughter. So, this way, they are learning a bible verse at the same time they are learning their “letter.”  For the rest of their life, they will associate their name with this verse.

#2 Jesus Sent Me Personalized Christian Bodysuit Baby by Wanderlustworker

#2 Jesus sent me onsie Christian personalized baby gifts

I just love onesies! And this one is just about the most adorable thing I have ever seen. I love that it has the baby’s name on it and the date of their birth. Every parent gets asked two questions, what’s its name, and how old is it? Perfect! The shirt answers both the questions. I love it!

This would be a cute onesie for a toddler to wear and then a great keepsake. 

This is a perfect shirt to wear to church! This way, the nursery helpers at church will never forget their name. 

Probably 1 of my favorite Christian personalized baby gifts! 

#3 God’s promises for baby inAWEcards

#3 Gods promises  Christian personalized baby gifts 

This is a card book of all the promises God has given us from the Bible. This can be personalized for the new baby. God’s promises never grow old, so this is something that will last a lifetime. Because the cover is not overly childlike, it will be used for many years.

We need to be reminded all the time of the promises that God has given us. There is no better time to start learning these promises than right from birth.

The bible says we are to bind the law of the lord around our children. This means we are to make repeating the bible and reading the bible part of our everyday life.  This personalized book is a great way to do that.  Make reading these cards part of your kid’s routine.

#4 Personalized Baptism Elephant, Keepsake Elephant by LimKreativeGifts

#4 stuffed animal  Christian personalized baby gifts

This elephant is the cutest thing I have ever seen!  I just want to squeeze it!  The large ears have the print of the baby's name, the date of their birth or dedication, and your message and name. Probably one of the cutest personalized baby gifts here :)

This is something that they will want to sleep with every night and take with her/him everywhere she/he goes. Your name and love will be with them all the time.

#5 Baby Acrylic Photo Block by

#5 photo block  Christian personalized baby gifts 

This is an excellent idea for the parents. This exquisite-looking piece of art can be kept at the office or in the living room.  While there is no Bible Verse attached to the artwork, you can have a reference added to it.

You can pick a reference that is meaningful for the parents.

This is also a great idea for grandparents. On the first Christmas, it is always a good idea to have a present from the grandchild to the parents that are very meaningful. This photo block would be a fantastic option. They will love to see the picture of themselves whenever they come to visit grandma and grandpa!


#6 Personalized Baby Gift HARDCOVER by ISeeMeBooksUS

#6 Thank you lord book  Christian personalized baby gifts

Reading to children is very important. They love to sit and listen as you read to them. The only thing better than a good book is a good book written with your child’s name in it!

In this book, your son or daughter will learn the importance of being thankful. Because the book is personalized with your kid’s name, they will be more engaged as you read.

If you have ever had the opportunity to read a book to a toddler that has the their name in it, you will know it is an extraordinary event.  It will be the book they request every time!


#7 God Bless Personalized Ornament by Personalization Mall

#7 Orniment  Christian personalized baby gifts

Imagine a Christmas tree with each child or grandchild having his/her personalized ornament. I like this ornament because it is elegant. This is another option for something you can give to either a parent or grandparent.

My in-laws have a tradition of having a Christmas ornament for each grandchild with their names engraved on it. Even my kids, who is now in college, looks for her decoration when we visit for Christmas.

This is a tradition that each child loves, from the two-year-old all the way to the nineteen-year-old.

I think this is a beautifully designed bespoke Christian personalized baby gift. 

#8 Silver Engraved Baby Cup by Personalization Mall

#8 silver cup  Christian personalized baby gifts 

This cup doesn’t have a bible verse on it; however, you can request the addition.

I know that kids love to have their own cup. We have a group of families that come to our home once a week for Bible study. One family has a little girl, and we have a special cup for her. Every time she arrives, she runs for “her” cup. There is something special about having a cup they know is just for them.

This can be something you give to parents; however, if the child is going to be visiting your home on a regular basis, this is a great idea for you to have in your own home. When they comes to visit, they will feel at home knowing they have their own gift.

#9 Baby's First 12 Months Frame by

#9 photo frame  Christian personalized baby gifts

Every mom takes hundreds of pictures of a new baby. We need a reason to print them off and frame them! This photo frame is a great idea.  

Of course, you don’t want to give something that will add to the mother’s to-do list! Now they need to pick out pictures and print them! I gave a present like this and surprised the mom by printing off photos on Facebook and delivering the frame with pictures already in the frame.

This is another suggested idea that doesn’t have a bible verse on it; however, you can add a favorite Bible passage or saying since it is a personalized present.


#10 Write a Song! By Songlorious

#10 personalized songs christian personalised baby gifts 

When I found this idea, it blew my mind! I have added this to my Christmas list! You can have a song written and recorded for your child or the new parents!  Is that not amazing!

Imagine giving the new parents a song encouraging them to raise their son or daughter to love and honor God. It is a song with their own love story of meeting, falling in love, and then having a baby.

If you are a husband looking for the perfect idea to give your wife after delivery, this is THE gift for you. Play a song for her that tells your love story and promises her that you will lead the family and care and provide for them as God has commanded.

Let me tell you, every one of her friends is going to be jealous!  I would love a personalized baby gifts like this!


#11 Blanket with Pictures by CelebrationFactory

 #11 blanket with pictures  Christian personalized baby gifts

This is something you can give to grandparents, parents, or children. Everyone loves blankets. For the child having a blanket with pictures of the family can be helpful at night. When they are falling asleep, they can lie in bed looking at the images of their family.

This is a great way to help children as they learn to sleep on their own. As they transition to new beds, or if you move to a new home, this blanket will be a great way to make them feel safe and secure.

If you are a family member who lives far away from them, pictures of you and the child together would be a great way to make sure they remember you when you are apart.

The middle section has a place for your text, so you can choose a prayer or Bible verse to have printed on this section.


#12 Old School Vintage Photos Personalized Family Art Christian Walls

#12 old school vinitage photo  Christian personalized baby gifts 


I am in love with this photo family art. There is something about the polaroid idea that I just love. Perhaps it is because I had poloids on my wall as a kid.

But this is an excellent gift for families. The vintage trend is prevalent right now. I can imagine this hung on the wall of the family room. When parents are folding laundry, cleaning up a mess of toys, or sitting down after a long day, this picture is a reminder that can be grateful that God has blessed them with an active fun family. Every mess is a reminder of the gifts God has given them.



#13 GOD has blessed this Family Personalized Canvas by Christian Walls

#12 old school vinitage photo  Christian personalized baby gifts


This is another example of a tremendous, personalized family canvas. This picture is more traditional for the person who doesn’t love the vintage look.

Like the gift we mentioned above, this canvas is a reminder that God has blessed the family. Our children are a blessing from God, a gift for us to cherish.

This would also be an excellent personalized baby gifts for grandparents, with each family sending in a family picture to put on the print. I can imagine giving this to my parents, with my family, and the family of both my brothers.

In conclusion

I hope you found these gift ideas helpful. I have received a few personalized gifts in my lifetime, and I have always loved them. Something is unique about knowing someone took the time to research and find a special gift. You know they didn’t run to the local store and pick something up on the way to visit you. They took the time to find a unique gift just for you.

It is not the gift that matters; it is the thought that counts. This is very true. And giving a personalized gift shows you put thought into the present.