10 Christian Movies About Fatherhood That Will Inspire You to Lead With Courage

10 Christian Movies About Fatherhood That Will Inspire You to Lead With Courage
Strong fathers are the essence of a good country. We need men of God to rise up and lead their families and that will save a nation.
We don’t need a perfect father, there is no such thing. But what we do need is a good father, a good man willing to stand tall.
When we look back in our history at the faith of our fathers, we see what they have left us. We can see in history the importance of fatherhood.
If you are looking for a great film for Father’s Day or a reminder of our heavenly father, here are some great Christian films with a strong father figure.
Love Covers All
I remember when my first daughter was born. Things started out normal, but things didn’t go well.
I ended up being rushed to a surgery unit only to find out my daughter was too far along in the birth to do surgery, but she stuck.
There was a time when we thought we might lose her, and my husband thought he might lose me.
I can’t imagine going through that without my husband at my side. In the movie, Love Covers All we see the story of Michael who is about to become a father for the first time.
He does not want to repeat his father’s legacy of being a distant father. He wants to be a good father. He is trapped out of state while his wife is having their baby.
He meets an old man at a gas station named Bob. The two men hold secrets to help each other.
The elderly man holds the key Michael needs to be a good father. This movie has a great cast.
Rhonda Griffis, you might know from Mom’s Night Out and The Blind Side. Jason Burkey from October Baby, and Rusty Martin Sr from Courageous.
Right Before Your Eyes
I have a cousin with autism. Growing up with him I didn’t always understand why he acted the way he did.
But as I grew to understand his situation, I also saw the impact he had on my aunt who was left to do most of the work.
Every child needs a father, but a child with autism especially needs both parents. In this movie, we see a man named Ethan who is struggling with his past.
He is an alcoholic who has worked to become sober. But now he wants to know if it is too late to help his son Lucas, a little boy with autism.
On his road trip, he sits on a train and tells his story to a man named Ambrose. This is a powerful lesson in hope, that life can start again.
Honor Project
I love to hear the stories of other Christians. One of my favorite services in the church is when we hear the testimonies of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
In this first documentary film on my list, we hear firsthand the personal relationships of men with their wives, their children, and their community.
This movie has a variety of amazing true stories that show God’s love is the best way to survive fatherhood. These men are great examples for us to follow.
Flag of My Father
Jason Schneider and William DeVane are two of my favorite actors. I was happy to see a movie with both of these actors.
This is a story of a father from the point of view of a daughter. Strong daughters come from good fathers.
Judith is an army nurse who is followed in the shadow of her father, a Vietnam War Veteran. After returning to the United States Judith finds herself dealing with PTSD and nightmares.
Her father is the one who helps her through her struggles. Her brothers are jealous of her connection with her father.
In the course of the film, her father passes away, and she wonders how she will be able to survive without the love of her father.
This is a captivating movie for those who are active members of the military, or if you have family members who are dealing with the memories of war.
The years of impact the war can have on our men and women of service can shape people. This is a story of a woman grieving her late father and trying to find peace with her brothers.
War Room
This is one of my favorite movies and one that impacted my life in a huge way. This is a movie made by the Kendrick brothers.
It stars in the lead role of the daughter of Pastor Tony Evans. Of all the recent Christian films, this one is my favorite.
In this film, we see a man who has emotionally walked away from his family. He looks at an affair, makes unethical business choices, and ignores his daughter.
But when his wife begins to pray for him, life changes. This is a movie that will inspire you to pray. This is a movie that will bring revival to your family.
I have enjoyed listening to the preaching of Dr. Tony Evans for many years. I am now a fan of his daughter as well.
This is a move from the creators of War Room. Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick made this movie before they made War Room.
When I was working on a low-income housing project, I rented a small park in the area and then showed the film on a large blow-up screen.
The park was full of people from the community who saw the most powerful truths of God’s love shown through a good earthly father.
In this film, we see law enforcement officers who are serving their community, but they have forgotten their first job is to serve their families.
This is a movie that young men should see. This movie has had years of impact on my life. Seeing the lives of men learning how to be fathers and then standing strong and leading their families is a message I will not forget.
This is a movie that calls men to be the spiritual leader their families need them to be. This is a call to leave a courageous legacy. This is a call to the fatherhood of God-fearing men.
This is not a new movie, it was made a while ago, and it is a low-budget film. It isn’t the best quality of a movie, however, the story is very impactful.
It is a story of four men impacting two families. This unique father story tells the struggles of two single dads.
Rick lost his wife in a car accident, and he is dealing with his grief with alcohol and anger. Michael is a divorced father trying to find help to be a good father.
The sons of these men, Raymond and Lucas are friends and they want their fathers back in their lives.
But is it too late for these men to be the fathers God wants them to be? Can people recover from grief and loss?
I was adopted and when I was 25, I set out to find my birth mother. Because of this, I am always pulled towards movie plots about finding birth families.
This is one of the movies I watched while doing household chores. I enjoyed the movie.
This is the story of Caleb a young skater who is trying to become a pro skater. But his mother is dying, and he does not know who his father is.
He decides to look for his father and finds some clues in a stack of old love letters. However, finding his birth father doesn’t mean he will find a father who can help him and his mother.
One of the cool things about this film is the bonus scenes of skateboarding scenes.
Brian Sumner and Christian Hosoi are pro skateboarders who do some amazing scenes you won’t want to miss.
I Can Only Imagine (2018)
This is a movie I was so excited to see. I have been a fan of MercyMe ever since I saw their Christmas concert with Michael W. Smith in 2003.
I then got to know Bart Millard’s music more when I heard his hymn collections. It is very clear that God’s hand is on the life of Bart Millard.
But when I heard his story of growing up with an abusive father it was a story of repentance and forgiveness.
In this story, we see how life controlled by addiction can be changed by Jesus Christ.
This is the true story of a child raised in violence and finding reconciliation with his past.
Pursuit of Happiness (2006)
This movie is not a movie we would normally put in the category of a Christian film. However, this movie starring Will Smith is one of the greatest stories about fatherhood.
In this movie we see a single father struggling to raise his young son and give him a good life. This is based on a true story and the life of Chris Gardner.
Chris wrote a book about his life as a father, and it became a New York Times Bestselling book.
In the version of the film, we see a man struggling, but refusing to give up. We see love, sacrifice, and endurance. There is a reason this film won an Oscar.