10 Bible Verses About Suffering – Scriptures on Healing Your Pain

10 Bible Verses About Suffering – Scriptures on Healing Your Pain
The suffering of Christ came to an end just as your hard times will. The power of His resurrection will save you from any suffering longing. His eternal glory is one worth going through any obstacle for.
Revelation 21:4 - He will comfort you

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
The book of Revelation is all about the tribulations of the end times happening. These same events from the Holy Bible are currently happening before our very eyes.
The inevitable times of death and sorrow will leave you with the emotional pain of overcoming. The heirs of God have a place filled with joy and God’s love that will last for an eternity.
2 Corinthians 5:4 is God's children looking forward to the day of being welcomed into the kingdom of heaven.
Our current pain will soon come to an end once the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ comes down for you. The power of his resurrection tells us that the pain and heartaches we endure are all temporary.
You will soon arrive at a place where there is no crying or suffering. The former things that you have treasured for so long will disappear at the time of God’s arrival.
John 11:26 - No misery in eternal life

“And whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
The testing of your faith is asked by this simple question from Christ Jesus. John 11:27 is Martha answering this very question with assurance and faith in the life of Jesus.
Her momentary troubles do not cloud her judgment of God allowing her to never die. She is alive through him, and the faithfulness of God has imprinted on her life without failure.
The problem of suffering is it makes you question the works of God. You become enraged and confused that he might have stranded you in a place of hurt and danger.
In times of trouble when you need God’s love the most, the spirit of glory can be found when you draw near. Eternal glory is awaiting your arrival for the spirit of God fills you up with hope and love of what you will soon experience.
Christ’s sufferings made this possible for you to spend an eternal life with him. Even once you leave this earth you have so much to look forward to knowing he has a seat awaiting your arrival to soak in the loving God with all of God’s children surrounding you.
Romans 14:8 - As God's people we won't struggle

“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”
This is what it means to be a Christian and that you remain a part of God's people on earth just as much as once you arrive in heaven.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states in the passage that you are not your own since you were bought at a price. Christ’s sufferings saved you from your own sins. He pronounced you knew in him breathing the life of Jesus back into you.
Living for the Lord is making decisions based on the will of God and not your own selfish desires. The former things you once accepted as your reality are no longer for you.
When you accepted Christ you welcomed God’s purposes for your life on growth to a new beginning for you. Suffering has the potential to isolate you from receiving any love or hope that you will overcome any of it.
However, Christ's love says differently that in dying here on earth you will be living in his eternal glory for a day of reuniting with your Father and loved ones.
1 Corinthians 15:26 - God will make everything new and end hardships
“The last enemy to be destroyed is death.”
Paul is describing the events of the end times. The power of His resurrection will take place on the day he comes back for God's children to take them to eternal life with Him.
Revelation 21:1-5 is describing the new earth and heaven once the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ comes down. He will then make everything new, wiping away every tear and present sufferings.
You will no longer dwell on things in the past. God’s children will be free from the things of the world and will be reunited with the name of the Lord.
Death is a term that causes a lot of emotional pain and is something many of us are scared to walk face to face with. The death of Jesus was for us to be at peace with dying.
The Father of compassion is waiting to welcome you to a place filled with glory and overwhelming love. Christ Jesus is defeating the very power that has held many hostages.
The predestination is that everything that is not in the name of Christ will be destroyed or left behind as the result of sin.
1 Peter 5:10 - God will strengthen you after agony and distress

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”
Paul’s letter is a powerful bible verse that explains the pain he endured for believing in Christ Jesus.
The testing of your faith comes from placing your trust in Christ Jesus. The world will challenge the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ by persecuting you with emotional and physical pain.
Deuteronomy 31:6 comforts you in hard times knowing that he will never leave your side. Trials of various kinds are nothing compared to all that he brings into your life and his promise of protection.
Your deliverance in Christ is a promise that all your suffering will come to an end with you being welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. The hurt you are currently moving through is worth it knowing God is going to bring you out of it.
He brings you out of situations and places you into restoration and healing. The suffering of this present time is promised to come to an end.
Hard times are inevitable for everyone and while living through these times it seems surreal that things will ever get better.
Those who put their faith in God have all the glory, love, and power of His coming into their lives.
Romans 8:18 - Troubles are nothing compared to eternal life

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”
It is being written from Paul’s perspective on God’s people being the heirs of God. He states this because the believers of Christ endure suffering before exalting in God’s glory.
Living in the world you do today is stained with sin from television, and radio to the places you enter filled with the divers’ temptations.
However, the present sufferings that come with sin are nothing that can be compared to the eternal life that is filled with so much joy and glory that one can only hope to experience.
2 Corinthians 11:23-27 goes into detail about all the torture, hardships, and physical pain that Paul has experienced.
Yet Paul still says all the horrible things that he has experienced were still worth it knowing God’s glory will soon be revealed to him.
Those words are powerful since the hard times we experience are when we question God’s love and presence the most. God’s glory is one that such words cannot even reach the extent of how amazing it is.
The suffering that will come is hard, but the eternal life with your Father is worth any possible thing that life will throw at you.
2 Corinthians 4:17 - No matter the adversity, it's only light and momentary
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”
Paul and his friends are experiencing suffering that is by no means easy. It is now becoming brutal and a burden to push through and continue their mission for Christ Jesus.
Paul explains how horrible and painful his experiences along with Christ’s sufferings are. By comparison, the worst things are happening to him, and he calls them “light and momentary troubles.”
The love of Christ is having him oversee the physical pain that is temporary. The God of hope has a promise in store for you that outweighs any momentary troubles in your life.
Romans 5:3-4 states that your present sufferings build you up into a resilient person. You are unable to grow without hardships in your life, it tests your ability and strength.
The pain you have experienced is preparing you for the eternal weight of glory. You cannot give up when hard times begin to test your inner self.
You can only excel in the will of God when your faith is tested knowing you are capable of so much more. The problem of suffering is that it is meant to break you down and break the spirit of God within you.
God’s love and the kingdom of heaven is eternal and everlasting.
Psalm 34:19 - God will deliver you from struggles
“The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.”
In the Holy Bible Daniel experiences several incidents of being rescued by God. King Darius grew angry when he found out that David went against the law he set in place for his own people.
David continued to pray to God three times a day and in response, King Darius threw Daniel into a den with lions.
Christ Jesus rescues Daniel from the lions proving the King wrong that the grace of God would not save Daniel from these very lions meant to kill him.
This story is one in biblical times and now you hold close to knowing that God rescues you from the hard times you are stuck in. The faithfulness of God shows up when you surrender yourself to Him.
You are to trust in the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ when seeking out redemption.
The momentary troubles you experience will cloud the hope and assurance God has set ahead for you. Your vision is clouded by the emotional pain you are recovering from.
The works of God prove no hard time is permanent and the God of hope is working for your good.
James 1:12 - Think of hard times as good events
“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
James calls on God's children to consider hard times as good events in their lives. The various trials you have gone through is the testing of your faith.
You cultivate in Christ when relying on the things God desires for your life. It’s during this process that you learn more about yourself and your relationship with Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 4:8 says the crown of righteousness will be awarded to you. Your sufferings are not overlooked by the Lord God who has eternal glory in store for you.
The crown of life is given to God’s people who trust in Him solely. The trials of various kinds produce endurance beyond your own beliefs for yourself. God can move mountains for you when using His power.
Serve God with joy in your heart knowing he rescues and restores those who praise him during the hard times.
1 Peter 4:1 - Suffering is inevitable
“Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.”
Peter’s letter is telling God’s people that they will all partake in suffering since it is inevitable. Christ’s sufferings came with His purpose to heal, restore, and lead to the Lord God.
Living a Godly life will also lead to your own hardships and challenges. In effect, this will shake up your faith in Christ Jesus. Having an attitude of gratitude in every situation will protect your inner self.
Romans 6:8-11 is your salvation for the sake of Christ putting your old body, mindset, and sin to rest.
You are new in the Lord God with the spirit of glory in your heart. Sin no longer has control over you when placing your trust in the word of God.
What does God say about suffering?
The sufferings of this present time will end, and the Lord God knows your pain is only temporary to strengthen and equip you for the purposes of God.
Christ Jesus says your pain is only temporary and the works of God are a part of your purpose.
The glory of Christ is forever and is awarded to those who do the work of God.
Where is God in times of suffering?
In times of suffering God is right there fighting alongside you. God is right beside you during the hard times and good times.
He never leaves your side even during the various trials you endure. Amidst the pain you encounter, God is working in your favor letting you know that He is near you.
How does God use our pain?
The pain you encounter God uses it for the testing of your faith. You can only evolve when challenges are placed as obstacles in your life.
When experiencing pain, you lean into faith and dive deeper into the Word knowing God is pushing you into growth.
Pain is inevitable and God uses it for your good to show who He is in your life.
It will all come to an end when renewed in the name of Christ. A Godly life is one worth suffering for when the promise of eternal life is awaiting your arrival.
Nothing is permanent in this life other than the love of Christ and the kingdom of heaven.