13 Cross Gifts (Powerful Reminder of His Sacrifice - Click Here)

Cross Gifts

The cross is significant to the church. We are called to follow the example of Jesus and imitate His life, which means that we must bear His cross. The cross that Jesus carried was a symbol of His willingness to sacrifice everything for the people He loved. When Jesus died on the cross, He was making a sacrifice for us.

Giving Cross gifts to our loved ones with a cross gives them a way to remember God’s grace and mercy.

1. Cross Necklace by Humuca Jewelry

1. Cross Necklace - Cross Gifts

Jesus is always with us, even when things seem impossible. A cross necklace is a reminder of this truth, a constant reminder that He is with us, even when we cannot see or feel it. This symbol reminds us that, while we may not always see Jesus in the same way He saw us, He is always with us.

I have a friend who has cancer. It was a few months ago when I heard the news. She has two children, a teenager, and a toddler. She is my friend, and I want to be there for her and help her know that she is loved.

I want to be a source of comfort and support for her family as they deal with her illness. I want to be a source of strength to my friend while fighting this disease, and I want to be a source of encouragement to her and her family as they try to cope with this illness.

A necklace with a cross is a great gift because she can hold the cross whenever she needs to remember God is always with her.  When we give Cross gifts to our friends and loved ones who are sick, we are showing them they are loved and not alone.

2. Draped Cross Canvas Wall Art by Christian Walls

2. Draped Cross Canvas Wall Art - Cross Gifts

A senator employs my friend. She adores both the United States and Jesus Christ. This lovely piece of artwork is a Cross gift to commemorate the fact that you have committed your country to Jesus Christ. This is a beautiful present for someone who loves America and wants to remember that God is the country's leader.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

America is struggling right now. This piece of artwork is a way to remind your loved ones that God will heal this land if we humble ourselves.

3. Cross Dish Custom by Cinstar Creations

3. Jewelry Dish Custom - Cross Gifts

My teenage daughter adores jewelry; so, I've been looking for a unique present for her birthday. I considered getting her a ring, but I also felt like getting her a matching necklace or bracelet.

When she goes to bed, she'll need a place to put her jewelry. This fantastic jewelry dish is an excellent idea. I love that it's a tradition since it allows me to leave a love message for her to read each night before she goes to bed.

She is leaving for college in a few months, and I want to have a way to say goodnight and I love you.

4. Men's Cross with Natural Nails by Trijoux

4. Men's Cross with natural nails - Cross Gifts

My husband is a truck driver, and I am constantly concerned about his safety while he is on the road. This is a chain that he can hang on his truck mirror to remind him that God loves him.

This cross is fashioned of nails to remind us of Jesus' sacrifice for us. I want my husband to see the reminder of God’s love all day as he is driving.

Truck drivers face temptations all day long. Every truck stop is full of advertisements for your man to sin. If you have a man who is on the road a lot, this is a way to help them.

5. Resin Real Flower Cross Keychain by Eternal Passion Design

5. Resin Real Flower cross keychain - Cross Gifts

I learned to drive at 18 and was terrified of the road. It took a long time to learn to drive because I was in a bad car accident when I was sixteen and feared driving.

My daughter has been learning to drive for the last few weeks and is not afraid of the road. My anxieties, though, have returned. We've heard all the stories about young drivers for years.

There are so many gruesome tales to tell. I don't want my daughter to know that I'm worried about her driving; instead, I want her to know that I'll be there for her no matter what.

 This keychain features real flowers in the shape of a cross. It is a way to tell her I love her, and so does God. It is also a reminder that God will take care of her. It is also a reminder for me. And let’s be honest, I need that reminder.

6. Faith Tea Shirt by Custom Tea Shirt

6. Faith Tea Shirt - Cross Gifts

Yesterday, I gave a talk at a ladies' conference, and one of the participants was wearing this shirt. I've seen it advertised on social media. I was pleased to discover that it is a fantastic shirt.

It's an option for a loved one who isn't scared to express their beliefs. You're allowing them to shine for Jesus.

Before I spoke at the conference the ladies were given an opportunity to sign up for sister in Christ, prayer partners. I was so impressed to see the church was taking the equipping of the ladies in their church so seriously.

  If you have a friend in your life, you want to help shine for Jesus, this is the perfect Cross gift.

7. Wall Hanger with Custom Art by Silvalining Designing

7. Wall Hanger with custom art - Cross Gifts 

I love the personalized gifts. It shows I put some thought into it and that I took the time to find a gift that would be meaningful. It shows that I care and that I’m committed to the relationship. It shows I’m not just buying something because it’s a present; I’m buying something that will be used and enjoyed.

I was just sent an invitation to a wedding this summer. I am so excited my friends have finally got engaged.  I am so excited and want to bring the perfect gift. I want to find the ideal gift for a couple that is sure to be loved by the bride and groom.

I want to bring a meaningful gift that will be used and enjoyed. Weddings are my favorite event. I love to watch the bride and groom exchange vows with each other. I love to celebrate with the couple.

This is a perfect gift idea is this wall hanger you can customize with the new family name. 

8. Wood Art Cross by Western Shoppe

8. Wood Art Cross - Cross Gifts

We went to a party on New Year's Eve when I noticed this lovely artwork above the fireplace. It's fantastic. The family had had a challenging year, which served as a reminder of why they might have faith.

Just weeks after the wife began maternity leave with their third kid, the husband lost his job. The husband was left with a terrible burden due to this awful predicament.

It is difficult to see friends going through a difficult time. I have to remind myself that this is a test too, but I know that my friends are faithful and okay. Over the years, I’ve seen my friends grow closer to their spouses, children, and communities. I’ve seen them overcome their fears and learn to drive.

This fantastic piece of Artwork is a great way to encourage your loved ones when they are struggling. 

9. Engraved Strone by Jerusalem Eyes

9. Engraved Strone - Cross Gifts

We have a mudroom with a slam-closing door. I'm in desperate need of a door blocker. Because this is an area of the house that everyone who visits our home sees, I need it to be lovely. This is a fantastic choice.

This is a terrific idea for a loved one who needs that extra something to make the space pop. This is especially true if you want to present a special Cross gift to a man in your life.

10. Medieval Knight Cross Shield by Medieval Ancient Maker

10. Medieval Knight Cross Shield - Cross Gifts

I’m looking for the perfect gift for my father’s office. He’s an avid historian, and retired pastor.

 I have been looking for a cross shield for his office. This is an excellent piece of artwork for an office or to remind our men of God's armor. It's known as the faith shield in the Bible.

My father will be reminded to use the shield of faith every time he enters his office.

11. Stones and Iron Cross by Top Brass

11. Stones and Iron Cross - Cross Gifts

I’ve always loved the look of iron and nature together. I love to see trees with a coat of rust on them. It reminds me that this beautiful metal is a part of the earth.

I like to think that the tree absorbed the iron from the soil and breathed it back out into the air. This artwork is a great example of the iron, and nature mix.

There are two significant parts to this piece of art. The nails on the crucifixion, for starters, remind us of Jesus' suffering for us. Faith and hope are phrases that remind us of God's love.

12. Costume Cross by Surf To Summit

12. Costume Cross - Cross Gifts

In a few months, a sweet young guy I have known since he was a child is heading to Bible College. He desires to be of service to God.

This personalized cross inscribed with his name is a wonderful gift to remind him that God is always with him.

If you have a loved one heading into ministry, make sure you are showing them your support.

13. Cross and Tomb Canvas by Christian Walls

13. Cross and tomb Canvas - Cross Gifts

The story of Easter makes Christianity unique. It is the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the son of God. It is the story of the victory of the good over the evil, of life over death. It is the story of redemption.

The story of Easter makes Christianity different than any other religion; It is a story of life. It is a story of death and resurrection. It is a story of hope.

We have hope because the grave is empty, the stone rolled away, Jesus is alive.

Give this Cross gift to those who need to remember the love of God.


I was raised to know the Christian cross is a sacred symbol. It is a symbol of the suffering and the triumph of Christ. It is a symbol of his love for us and his ultimate victory over sin and death.

It is a symbol of hope and salvation, truth and life. My faith is the most important part of my life, and the cross plays a big role in my spiritual life.

I wear a cross around my neck to show my love for Christ and to remind me to follow His teachings. The cross is a powerful symbol of what Christ endured for me, and I hope to follow in His footsteps by sharing His love with others.