15 Isaiah 41:10 Gifts (Feel stronger with these ideas - Click Here)

Isaiah 41:10 Gifts
Anxiety is a difficult thing to deal with. Some people face anxiety because of a situation or crisis they are currently in the middle of. For others, it is the anxiety itself that cripples them. When we see someone, we love to deal with this, we can feel helpless. We wish we could fix the situation.
Since we can’t fix the situation, we can help them walk through it. Isaiah 41:10 is a great verse to bring comfort.
Table of Contents
- Isaiah 41:10 Gifts
- Mug by Mad Kitty Media
- Love Is More Significant Than Fear Wall Art by Christian Walls
- Bracelet By Walmart
- Necklace by Hill Tree Creations
- Ring by Christian Jewelry
- In Memory Box by RelicWood
- Shirt by Design Casa Co
- KeyChain by Keyring Shop
- Stationary by Meraki Lyfe Studios
- Socks by Studio Citrine
- Pillow by The Scarlet Fox Design
- Phone Case by Shalom Apparel
- Candle by 4 Amazing people Like U
- Buttons by Trails End Farm Crafts
- Courage Fear That Has Said Its Prayers Wall Art Canvas Print By Christian Walls
1. Isaiah 41:10 Mug by Mad Kitty Media
You know that feeling when you start your day knowing THIS is the day you must do something you don’t think you can do? Maybe it is the day of a medical test or a meeting involving conflict. Perhaps you have to say goodbye to someone you love or drive your child to college.
There are times when we start our day knowing we will have to do something we do not want to do. We wonder if we will have the strength we need.
On those days, we can start with a good cup of coffee and the reminder from Isaiah 41:10 that God is the one who will give us the strength we need.
Perhaps you have a friend who will be facing a day like this shortly. Give them this mug with a note to open on the morning of the appointment. Inside the cup, leave a message telling them they will survive today.
Give the gift of comfort.
2. Love Is More Significant Than Fear Wall Art by Christian Walls
I have seen a few things lately with the greater than sign. I like the trend. This artwork is fantastic! It would look good in any room. Whoever you want to encourage will love this grand gesture.
I have a friend who has dealt with anxiety for years. She spent many years in her home, refusing to leave. Slowly over time, she has learned to let the fear go. She has left her home and is living free today.
Do you know someone who is crippled with fear? Today is the day for them to start the process of leaving fear behind. Love is more significant than their fear.
This could be a great gift for someone who needs to brighten up their room.
3. Isaiah 41:10 Bracelet By Walmart
I have never been a massive fan of bracelets. However, my daughter loves them. This is a charm-style bracelet and is sweet.
When my daughter was in kindergarten, she struggled with being away from me. I drew a heart on her hand and reminded her that I would be thinking of her and waiting for her when she got home. Today my daughter is sending out college applications. Time goes by so quickly.
We can teach our children about God, but eventually, they leave home and head out into the world alone. But remember, they are not alone. God has promised that he will always be with them. As parents, we don’t need to be afraid because we know the only one who loves them more than us will never leave them. Our children also don’t need to be frightened.
This bracelet will constantly remind your daughter that they never need to fear. God is with them everywhere they go.
4. Isaiah 41:10 Necklace by Hill Tree Creations
If a bracelet isn’t your thing, a necklace is another great option. This necklace would work for either your son or your daughter.
There are so many people in our lives today who need a constant reminder not to live in fear. It seems we have a pandemic of fear. People have become afraid of their own families, strangers, the workplace, or the government. Everyone is afraid.
Many young people are also living in fear. We don’t know what the future will look like, which can be very stressful for our young people who are about to step out into this world. I wish we could fix the world for our kids, but we can’t. We can prepare our children. To prepare them, we need them to put their trust in Jesus.
5. Isaiah 41:10 Ring by Christian Jewelry
If bracelets or necklaces are not your things, try a ring.
I don’t have a son, but I would get this ring as a gift for him if I did. I enjoy the look of this ring. It is manly and carries the message of “fear not.”
We need men today. We need real men of courage willing to stand on principle and truth. There is a lack of men who hold convictions. If you are raising a man of courage and integrity, you do a great thing.
Show your young man you are proud of him with this ring.
6. Isaiah 41:10 In Memory Box by RelicWood
My mother passed away recently. My daughters have a few extraordinary things in a special box to remember her. I am looking for a box for them to hold these special memories.
This is a box that can be patronized. It has the verse Isaiah 41:10 printed on it. Throughout the pain of losing a loved one, we can be encouraged to know that God is never going to leave us.
7. Isaiah 41:10 Shirt by Design Casa Co
I keep finding great shirts! All the Christian shirts were “one size fits all,” and the graphics were tacky in high school. Today the shirts are stylish, great fit, and the pictures look great.
When I go grocery shopping, I try to wear a shirt with a message of hope and freedom. This would be a perfect grocery shopping shirt! I am adding it to my list.
If you have a friend who loves to wear messages of hope and freedom, then give this gift.
8. Isaiah 41:10 KeyChain by Keyring Shop
When your child gets their license, you want to celebrate one of those milestones! Not just any keychain will do; you need something extra special.
The critical chain is displayed in an exceptional box. On the keychain is the description of Isaiah 41:10. This will be an excellent gift for either a male or female.
If your child has just gotten their license, this is a great way to celebrate.
9. Isaiah 41:10 Stationary by Meraki Lyfe Studios
Stationary is a great gift idea! People have been using technology for many years, but there is a return to pen and paper.
Journaling is a great way to work through the person's emotions who struggles with fear and anxiety. You can start by writing on the first page of the journal. Tell your friend how much you care about them and believe in them.
10. Isaiah 41:10 Socks by Studio Citrine
This isn’t a gift for just anyone. However, socks have become a collector item for a specific person. Even the Canadian prime minister has taken this trend and constantly shows up his socks. I have a few of these types of socks. But each of them is Christmas socks.
But I know a few people who love to wear socks with messages. If you have a friend like this, surprise them with these fantastic socks.
11. Isaiah 41:10 Pillow by The Scarlet Fox Design
I always love pillows! This is a great gift. It would look great on a statement piece of furniture like an armchair. I am currently in the process of an office makeover. This is a pillow I will add to the chair I have.
This is a great idea to gift to someone who just got a new house. If you have someone who is recently married or has just moved into a new home, this is a great way to show them God will be with them during this new journey.
12. Isaiah 41:10 Phone Case by Shalom Apparel
Phone cases are significant. Everyone needs one. I like to have a few so I can change them up. This is an excellent option for when I am dealing with a hard time in life and need a constant reminder that I am not alone.
A phone case is the best option if you have someone who always needs to know that God is with them. No one ever leaves the house without the phone.
13. Isaiah 41:10 Candle by 4 Amazing people Like U
The candle is a great way to bring peace into a room. The smell and the flickering light's ambiance all give a vibe of peace and comfort. There is a way to help people calm down during anxiety. Lighting a candle is a great way to set the space for calming.
Show the person you love that you are with them during this time, and you support their journey of healing from anxiety.
14. Isaiah 41:10 Buttons by Trails End Farm Crafts
Buttons are a fun way to add details to backpacks and other bags. These are great ideas. If you have someone who loves to add extra information to their bags, this is a fun way to add something to their collections.
When we see someone has a collection and find a way to add to it, we show them we see them.
15. Courage Fear That Has Said Its Prayers Wall Art Canvas Print By Christian Walls
A river runs through the center of the small town where I live. In the summer, my husband and I enjoy paddleboarding down the river through the center of our town. Something about the river is so calming and brings me a sense of peace. Perhaps that is what the psalmist thought when he penned the words “peace like a river.”
This stunning artwork takes me back to the river and makes me feel the calming peace of the water.
If you want to give someone a gift that will show you love them, this is a great idea. It is beautiful, large, and will bring peace and calm to any room. Do you know someone who needs peace and calming brought to their room? This is a gift for them.
Watching your loved one deal with anxiety is hard. Help them by constantly reminding them that God is more significant than their fear. That gift could be a mug, keychain, or artwork. Whatever you choose the most significant thing you can do is be there for them.
Make sure they know they are loved. That is the most important thing!