14 She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Wall Art & Decor
She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Wall Art & Decor
A few years ago, I did a Bible study on the book of Proverbs. The Book of Proverbs is one of the Bible's most important books.
The book of Proverbs was written by King Solomon and is a collection of short yet powerful lessons on how to live wisely and act justly.
Proverbs chapter 31 is an important chapter for women.
The word "strength" in Proverbs 31 refers to character strength. The lady in Proverbs 31 has the strength of character to be cautious and fair both inside and outside the house.
Check out our She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Wall Art & Decor below!
1. She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Printable Wall Art by PresentPrintables
I love this Simple black and white art in cursive. This is a great gift to give your wife.
Your wife is strong. She works hard to provide for you and your family. She is kind and generous. She is an amazing person. Show her that you see her, and you are thankful for her.
2. Floral Art Print by DreamBigPrintables
This is a trendy beautiful art for the teenage girl
I’m sure it doesn’t seem like it now, but before you know it your daughter will be a young lady.
When I see my daughter, I see beauty personified. I have tried to teach her well, and she will always have a special place in my heart as my beautiful little girl. What I must remember is my daughter’s beauty is her soul, & the more I can tap into it the more beautiful she becomes.
I want her to know her beauty comes from her strength and character.
3. She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Drawing Print Printable by DevonPlaceDesigns
I am in love with this stunning line art. The woman in the picture looks strong and dignified
Line art is powerful. I am looking for my first piece of line art, and it seems to fit so well with this verse; I think I am going to get this for my daughter’s first apartment she is moving into this September.
More and more line art is entering the world of art, with great acceptance. Creating a line-art style is being done all over the world.
This style was created to emphasize the manga-like qualities of the art. It is a style that is instantly recognizable and easy to teach.
This is a piece of art your college student will love.
4. She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Canvas by PrintingProfitsTest
This art shows a woman walking in the tall grass near the ocean in the sunset, she looks peaceful and someone who doesn’t fear the future.
Your wife is strong, and she has always been a fighter. When our relationship started, you admired her for her resilience.
Often men will become caught up in their problems to notice how hard their wives were working. She always puts family first.
Show her you do see her and give her a gift like this print.
5. She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Digital Download by PrintableSky
A beautiful piece of artwork for your wife’s office.
I am finishing up a renovation of my office. I am looking for those final touches to make the room complete.
I would love this piece of art. If your wife or daughter has an office give them this piece of art to show them, you love them and you believe in them.
6. She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Laser Wood Signs by EverBeSigns
This is a great addition to any decorative shelf.
I didn’t grow up with the assumption that I needed to be beautiful to be valued. I grew up with a strong sense that I could be myself and be successful and nobody would judge me for it because I was being true to myself.
This made me feel free to be the authentic me, even if my authentic me was not traditionally what people expected.
Character is one of the most important aspects of a person or a people. Without it, people are rudderless and will go nowhere in life. We are all humans. We all have our faults and our virtues.
Help your daughters to grow up the same way, with sayings and verses all around the house.
7. 5 Printable Files by StrengthByScripture
I love that this print has the full verse.
I have a great idea for a girl’s Sunday school class. A few years ago, I hosted a ten-week Bible study in my home for teen girls based on the book “The lies young woman believe” we ended the study with a craft. This file has five different prints you can buy. You can use these prints for a craft for your Bible study.
But why should you host a teen girl Bible study? Or why have a Sunday school class specifically for girls?
Our daughters need to know they are strong and dignified. This is what we tell them every day and what they hear at school. But we also need to teach them how to look after their physical, mental, and emotional health.
We can do this by encouraging them to eat healthily, get enough sleep and engage in regular physical activity. But most importantly we must teach them to love God.
8. She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Printable by CoastalPapers
While women typically have a stronger desire to be beautiful than men do, the character traits they share with their male counterparts are more important than merely their looks.
Character traits such as diplomacy, loyalty, and generosity can make a significant difference.
I love that the print here has the verse on two separate sheets of paper. This is a great way to make the verse stand out even more. This is a great option if you are looking for inexpensive Christian gifts for a woman.
9. She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Custom Carved Wooden Sign by HayleesCloset
When my girls were little, they spent most of their time outside in the backyard. We had a large treehouse and play structure.
I love this sign for outside because you can put it in your daughter’s treehouse, or play structure
Raising daughters is a full-time job, particularly for young parents. Right from childhood instill in them the reality of where true beauty comes from.
10. Rainbow Nursery Décor by SunBirdPrints
This piece of art is great for the nursery. Of course, your baby can not read! But this art is not just for your baby, but a reminder to the young mom during the hard parts of parenting. She is a mom that is strong and dignified.
Today I came across an old letter my husband had written for me. There are times when I felt defeated as a new mom.
My husband wrote me a note telling me that I was the strongest woman he has ever known and that he was so proud to be my husband and the father of my children. He told me that my strength is an inspiration to him.
I needed that during those hard times as a new mom. Especially when the second baby came as a surprise while I was still nursing our first baby!
If you know a new mom who needs this encouragement here is a great piece of art to hang in her nursery. Moms need to know that they are loved and valued.
11. Printable Art by SoulPrintables
Here is another great example of printable art. I love this one because of the wreath. This can be used for a lot of different craft options.
When I was first married, we lived in a small town and there was a weekly craft night. I was never really craft but I did love spending time with the other woman in town.
I recommend this as a great way to be a Titus 2 woman. By hosting a regular craft night, you can encourage younger wives and mothers.
This printable is a great way to have an awesome base for a craft. What you will find is you will grow great relationships with other women and soon find you have sisters in Christ.
12. Proverbs 31:25 | She is Clothed in Strength and Dignity by WondrousWorksShop
This is the perfect art for the bathroom, for your daughter and wife to read as they prepare for the day.
Wearing makeup that accentuates your best features and hides your flaws. Tick-tock videos are all about easy makeup and beauty tips for achieving a flawless finish without running into as many setbacks as possible.
But what about your daughter’s inner beauty? The strength of character? Make sure she spends as much time working on her inner beauty as she does her outward beauty.
13. She Is Clothed In Strength And Dignity Wooden Sign by HowGreatThouArts
The sign has an old and burnt look to it; it is a great option for the cottage or a retreat area.
I love to attend women’s retreats, and this would be a great decoration for a women’s retreat. It would also make a great prize or giveaway for the end of the retreat.
14. Five Digital Files by StrengthByScripture
This last Sunday the wives in our Bible study were talking about how we struggle with trusting our own decisions. Why do we do that? It seems to be a common problem among moms.
Women often need to learn to trust themselves — and then each other — before they can trust other people. That’s why life-long learning is so important for women: it helps them learn when to trust themselves, then when to trust other people, and when to trust in neither.
Women are socialized to be “nice” and “sweet,” and they aren’t taught to express themselves. Many women who are not comfortable speaking up and who don’t feel confident to defend their ideas remain silent.
They allow others to speak for them, and when they don’t, it can make them look weak.
Women who let others speak for them also don’t say something if they don’t believe it’s true or if they think it’s not important.
This digital file has five options. I think I will purchase it so I can give one to each of the women in my Bible study.
Life can be hard for moms. I know that sometimes I feel clothed with frustration and exhaustion, lack and emptiness as I go through the everyday struggles. And of course, I am also worried about tomorrow. But God did not create us to carry the burden of stress or dissatisfaction.
We need to stop focusing solely on ourselves and our sphere of resources, rather than focusing on God and allowing Him to be our portion; our strength in weakness, peace in irritation and fear, and hope for the future.
The Book of Proverbs has so many great verses for us.