11 Fun Monthly Subscription Christian Gift Boxes (Surprises Inside!)

Christian gift boxes
Christmas is a wonderful time. We spend time with family and show our love by giving gifts. What if we could spread that through out the year? I have given the gift of subscriptions many times. I find this a great gift option, especially for people we don’t get to see often through out the year. When a new gift arrives each month the person, we are giving the gift to is reminded again that we care about them.
The important thing is finding the subscription that meets the interests of the receiver. Here are some great options for the person who loves Jesus Christ and wants to shine His light.
Table of Contents
1) The Gospel Box
If you have a loved one that loves to share the good news of Jesus Christ this is the perfect option. This box will give you new tools for following the great commission. The calling to spread the good news of Jesus Christ is the greatest calling of all. It is a calling every Christian has. Even though we are called to testify very few Christians do. If you have a loved one who does fulfill the great commission encourage them! This is a great way to do that.
2) Hopebox
This year has been a hard year. Not only have I personally been faced with difficult times, but I have many Christian friends who have been hit with one battle after another. There are times when the chaos of the world has left me wondering if there is any hope.
Dealing with anxiety hopelessness can leave you feeling crippled. If you know someone who is dealing with difficulties, or lost someone this year, this is a gift that will help them work through their emotions this year.
3) Faithbox
This is the most popular Christian subscription box. The box includes a devotional, a guide, and a gift such as a book or bracelet.
This is a great gift for a new Christian. If you know someone who is a new believer, you can help them through out their first year as a Christian. Give the gift of spiritual development.
4) Butterfly Box
This box is for the person who enjoys receiving little gifts and reminders of Gods love. Imagine if you could send a bracelet, artwork, a book, or pampering items. You would have to take the time each month to find, order, and send the gift. With the butterfly box you don’t have to do the shopping. Your friend will receive the donation each month and know you love them.
5) Bette Box
Love one another is the theme of this subscription.
Each box has a new theme to encourage the receiver and remind them they are loved. The value of the packages ranges from 60-80 dollars and is a way to give great deal.
Is there someone you want to bless? This is the box for that person. We can tell people we are sending them thoughts and prayers, but we can send them a blessing with this box.
6) International Blessings
I grew up in a home that encouraged mission work. We talked about missions, we had missionaries in our home, and we learned about the work being done around the world.
In our home now, we talk about mission work. We support missionaries. However, today we support the local Christian women in those countries who are doing God’s creation. This is why I love this subscription. Buying this gift solves two problems.
One, you are supporting the mission work around the world but keeping the local churches.
Two, you will spread the knowledge of the mission work by learning more about different cultures.
7) Teestimony
Wearing shirts with a message has become a trend. These shirts have messages of God’s love. Every 30 days, the receiver will get a shirt and a devotional. The sayings are meant to provoke conversations.
I love this idea!
What makes it even better is that part of the proceeds is donated to organizations working in communities with at-risk kids.
8) purp-ess box
I have a friend on my gift list that loves being pampered. Soaps, bath salts are her go-to self-care products. A long bath with soaps and bath salts is her anxiety medication when she is stressed or overwhelmed.
The best self-care is, of course, biblical truths. Each product contains a biblical lesson that connects to the product being used.
If you have someone on your gift list who loves being pampered this is subscription box you want to get.
As a bonus, 10% of the products are donated to the Christian Suicide Prevention
9) The Delilah Box
The Bible is full of stories of woman who were “Bad girls” that God was willing and able to use. Many of those women were used by God to fulfil his purpose even if they were not followers of God. Delilah was one of those women.
This subscription sends monthly books dedicated to the stories of a “Bad girl” from the Bible. The books sent are brand new books, just released!
If you have a reader on your gift list this is a great option.
10) Artza
If you have grandparents, homeschool families, or someone who loves Israel this is the option you should investigate!
If I could travel anywhere in the world, it would be to visit Israel. Since I can’t afford to travel to Israel, this subscription brings Israel to me.
What do you get with this monthly package? You can learn Hebrew words, try new foods, put together crafts, and learn about the country of Israel.
You will be supporting small Israeli business and money from each subscription is donated to Charities in Israel.
11) Loved and blessed
When I was in college, I would occasionally get care packages sent to me. That was always a favorite time!
Loved and Blessed is a care package. Every month is different. But the purpose of each box is to send love and encouragement. This is a great option if you have a college student you want to bless.
We all have people that we wish we could see on a regular basis, people we love and want to bless. But when people don’t live close seeing them can be impossible. We can facetime, or send messages, but sending gifts is a way to show we are thinking of them. These subscription boxes have so may different options there is an option for everyone!